
Winter’s Wolf: book review (SmashBear Publishing Book Tour)

Author: John Ortega

Genre: Urban fantasy

Publisher: SmashBear Publishing

Year: November 2022


Thanks a lot to SmashBear Publishing for my free copy of Winter’s Wolf, John Ortega’s third book of the Rune Caster Chronicles! If you have somehow missed the series, definitely check it out! It’s one of my favourites and I would go back on an adventure with all the characters any time! Head over to my review of the second book here.

Now, let’s talk about the third. Winter’s Wolf takes us back to Nathan Mercer and his world, it’s another adventure into the magical realms filled with unicorns, fae, and other extraordinary beings. It was a pleasure to read his witty remarks once again and to experience everything from a ball to solving a murder mystery case.

It was good to see Nathan’s more vulnerable side, to witness how he responds to trauma and the way he handles the more difficult and challenging situations. I liked to read the romantic bits of the story, as well as the more serious ones. Combining the battles and intrigues of the court with revealing the relationships between the characters proves to be a successful plot development, so this book is a solid instalment in the series, one more time! Can’t wait for the next adventure! 🐺

Fans of urban fantasy, I’m leaving you with the blurb. In case you need me… #owlbeereading!

‘It’s been more than a decade since Nathan Mercer escaped from the lands of the fae. He had once vowed that he would rather die than go back.

That all changes when the princess of the Spring Court arrives at the inn running for her life, seeking Nathan’s help. Not one to turn away somebody in need, Nathan offers her his protection, yet the only way to fulfill his promise is to return to the one place that has haunted his existence since he could remember.

It’s now up to Nathan, Silera, and Sabine to journey into the frozen hallways of the Winter Court and find the culprit behind the threat on the spring princess life. Nathan must face his past, reconcile his present and prepare for his future if he is to survive the biggest challenge of his long life. A royal ball.

Someone better get his tux ready, things are about to get bloody.’

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